Code documentation
1 - Files
* @file The description of the file
2 - Types
{String} // A js type
{Number} // Another js type
{Number[]} // Array of numbers
{String|Number} // Multiple types
{*} // Any types
{Promise<string[]>} // Promise fulfilled by array of strings
{Object} obj // an literal object
{Number} obj.a // property of a literal object (optional)
{String} obj.c
- All JavaScript native types can be used
- Don't use
as it isn't explicit enough - Types can be used with
3 - Constants & variables
* @type {Number}
let foo = 1;
* @const {Number}
const FOO = 1;
- Comment only constants and variables that are global to a file or a module
4 - Functions
4.1 - Overview
/** adds two values
* @param {Number} x - the first value
* @param {Number} y - the second value
* @return {Number} result of the addition
const add = (x, y) => x + y;
- Use the first line to comment functions is helpful when using a editor
- the documentation can be folded while keeping the main explanation
- Param text description can be omitted ONLY if function and param names are explicit enough
- If param text description is specified it must me separated to the param name by a ' - '
4.2 - Parameters
* @param {Number} nb - a random number // documentation with name type and description
* @param {String} [str] - a string // optional parameters
* @param {Number} [price=20] - a price // default value
* @param {String|Object} person - a person // with multiples types
4.3 - Useful keywords
4.3.1 - Scope Access
* @private // for methods internal to the module
* @public // for methods that are exported
4.3.2 - Events
For every function that are part of an Event-Subscriber like implementation
* @emits // about what the function emits (message, queue, etc)
* @listens // about what the function listens (message, queue, etc)
4.3.3 - Documentation helpers
For every function that are part of an Event-Subscriber like implementation
* @deprecated // about what the function emits (message, queue, etc)
* @see // about what the function listens (message, queue, etc)
4.3.4 - Others
* @throws {FooException}
* @async // for functions that return promises
4.3.4 - Keywords order
For a function
* @deprecated
* @see
* @async
* @param
* @emits/@listens
* @return
* @throws
* @private|@public
- Keywords are not mandatory. Use it wen you actually have something to define
5 - TAG comments
5.1 - TODO Comments
Basic TODO comment
// TODO: feat: describe the task todo
Multiple TODO comments :
// TODO:
// - feat: first task description
// - refactor: second task description
// - fix: third task description
- Use a commit style expressions to define items on TODO comments (feat, fix, chore, etc...)
5.2 - Good First Issue Comments
Good first issues is a tag added to TODO comments.
// TODO: feat: describe the task todo #GFI