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How to document a module

  • description
  • installation
  • Usage
  • api documentation
  • FAQ (Optional)
  • Related (Optional)
  • Maintainers (Optional)
  • License

1 items of a good documentation

1.1 - Module description


# my-module

> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

1.2 - Module installation

No matter if you module is available on npm, on your projet folder or somewhere else, you must indicate how to export it.

1.3 - Usage

Provide a quick snippet showing rapidly how your module can be used. en exemple here.

1.4 - API documentation

I recommand to use JSDOC on your entire codebase. Once at least all the functions of your modules have been documented this way you can use the library jsdoc2md in order to integrate its output inside your readme.

1.5 - FAQ (Optional)

Only if your module does have frequent questions that can be quickly answered

If there are modules that are often used with your own or modules that provide related features you see highlight them using a simple list


# Related
- [Module 1](link) - lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
- [Module 2](link) - consectetur adipiscing elit
- [Module 3](link) - integer et tincidunt diam
- [Module 4](link) - a fermentum nisl donec dapibus

1.7 - Maintainers (Optional)

if your are more than one person on the project you can a list of the maintainers and the period of their activity.


# Related
- [Erik Antoon](link) - may 2019 to present
- [Helena Ibai](link) - jan 2016 to may 2019
- [Jon Judita](link) - fev 2015 to jan 2016
- [Aline Sherzod](link) - may 2013 to fev 2015

1.8 - License

This part must contain two informations :

  • the license
  • the name of the author(s) and/or maintainer(s)


# License
MIT © [muceres](

2 - Bonus

2.1 - Exemples of modules

You can find exemples of these practices in some of my open source projects like:

Projets done by other people:

2.2 - Readme template